A reflection on the cruelty of the performing arts sector, in a participatory and itinerant experience that starts from those dance marathons in which couples without resources danced until exhaustion. 

'Dance to death' is part of Horace McCoy's novel 'They shoot horses, don't they?', which director Sydney Pollack turned into a film of the same title and that showed the cruelty of the dance marathons that were held in the United States during the time of the Great Depression in which couples without resources danced until exhaustion, testing their physical and psychological resistance, to get a cash prize.

Directed by Alberto Velasco

Performers Anna Briansó, Alba Aloy, Alejandro Bordanove, Armand Villén, Berta Graells, Carmen Gómez, Coral Ortega, Montse Rodríguez, Marc Joy, Miquel Bonet, Raquel Molano, Sònia Barba, Shanice Stanislaus i Tamara Ndong; Textos: Sònia Barba ;

Choreography Alberto Velasco with performers

Custom design Sara Sánchez de la Morena

Light design Lídia Ayala i Carles Borràs

Sound design Raúl Beldarrain

Video design Tristán Pérez-Martín

Audiovisual production Rebeca Sánchez López (Kepler Mission Films)

Executive production Raquel Ortega and Raül Perales

Collaborations Associació Kiakahart, Antonio Moreno, Miquel Ruiz i Fernanda Ortiz

Special thanks to Unai Cardoner, Oscar Dasi, Ángels Gómez and Jordi Bulbena